Potential CBG Health Benefits Unrelated to Dad Grass
There are all kinds of interesting research findings about CBG and CBD we’re keen to share. Read on to learn a bit about recent research involving cannabinoids, with a particular...
There are all kinds of interesting research findings about CBG and CBD we’re keen to share. Read on to learn a bit about recent research involving cannabinoids, with a particular...
A tribute to one of the most special grass-mamas in our lives, on the occasion of Mother's Day 2021.
It's official. We've "entered the chat." We're not quite sure what that means (ok, boomer...) but it seems like a good thing. Especially coming from Refinery29! They know what the...
"Mom Grass' Is Here to Give You a Chill, Legal CBG Body High"
“I think it’s the next big thing,” says researcher Ethan Russo M.D., a cannabis expert and founder of CReDO Science, a medical cannabis think tank.
If you’re trying to decide whether you’re Team Dad Grass or Team Mom Grass, our recommendation is that you give ‘em both a chance.
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